Agresso - How to Use Agresso Report Engine for Postbacks in Citrix

To use Agresso Postbacks and related items in Citrix, the Agresso Report Engine inside Excel needs to be setup correctly.

  1. File management in Citrix is now made easier through integration with Microsoft OneDrive. Ensure Onedrive is setup correctly per the received to connect and setup your Citrix environment. Please be aware that if you open an Excel report from Agresso, you may be prompted to setup Onedrive a second time for that “instance of Excel”.

To setup Excel for Postbacks, the correct Agresso URL for the Agresso environment is needed. This could be Production, Test, Training, etc. The URLs are located in a Notebook file in Citrix. Once logged onto Citrix, select All Apps to view all applications available. Open the icon Agresso Excelerator URLs.



  1. From the list of environments, select and copy the URL that is to used.
  2. Next browse and open Excel from Citrix.

  3. Inside Excel follow the steps below (see screen shot below)
    • Select Unit4 Excelerator on the Excel ribbon bar
    • Select Login (a new window will appear)
    • Click on the More button on the left to see additional options
    • In the Connection type field, select Unit4 Business World
    • The next field allows you to select a connection method
      1. The Windows Authentication option is applicable for country offices for default clients.
      2. The Business World Authentication is most applicable applicable for US staff, and it requires a local password.
        Note: The Business World Authentication is only applicable to country office users unless it being used for a LSE client other than default clients such as I2, K2, N2, etc.
  • Local passwords expire every 90 days. To independently change your local password(s) when needed going forth, keep former password(s) thereafter for your records, as when the most recent password has expired, you will have the expired password accessible which allows you to change your local password yourself by going to File >> Change local Agresso password in Agresso. Contact if you need your Business World Password created.
  • In the URL field, paste the URL for the applicable environment per the earlier step into the URL bar.


  • Then, click Login
  1. The simplest way to retrieve and save files in Excelerator is by storing them in OneDrive folders. Make sure any files intended for access are saved in OneDrive, then open postback files stored in your Onedrive folder and follow steps as needed to completed a Postback.






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