Laserfiche - How to Submit/Approve Network Access Form (NAF)
The Network Access Form (NAF) is the form required to setup or change an employee's network access and equipment. To complete an electronic Network Access Form (NAF):
- Browse to:
- Log into Laserfiche using the Windows Authentication option. If your Windows Authentication login does not work, enter your HeiferID ( Ex: and network password to login. The form will auto-populate the general user fields such as name and email address.
- Requestor's Contact Information: a) Verify that your name is populated in the Contact Name. b) Verify that the email that populated in the email field is your correct contact email.
c) Enter your phone number where you can be contacted if there are any questions. - Reasons for Access Request: Select whether New Access or to Update Existing Access
- Employee Classification/Information: Select whether employee is in the US or not. If not, you will be giving the option to select the employee's country. Next, select the employee's classification .The US options include: Full-time employee, Part-time employee, Volunteer, External Temp, Intern, Contractor/Consultant Note: The International options include: Full-time employee, Part-time employee, and Project Partner/Service Provider .
- Next, enter the employee's name in the Preferred Name Lookup field by entering and selecting the name the dropdown menu and the employee's information will auto-populate based on the current information stored in Agresso.
- Supervisor or Alternate Approver/Email: If another approver other than the director supervisor needs to approve the access, enter the staff's name and email address.
- Please Note: If Contractor/Consultant, Volunteer, or Project Partner/Service Provider is selected for Employee Classification, enter the start and end date of the Term of Assignment . Also, for Contractor/Consultant, upload the applicable contract as shown below:
- Hardware Request: Select the applicable hardware and software access/equipment needed and any Submitter's Additional Comments and/or Documentation. Once the form is completed, click the Submit .
- The form will be routed to the appropriate approver based on the information entered into the form. There is an option to Download or Print a copy of the form request. Also, an auto-generated email confirmation will be sent to the form submitter.
How to Approve a Network Access Form/Request
- Once a NAF is completed, the approver will receive an email notification with a url/link to the form awaiting
- The approver can select additional access if needed, add any additional comments and Approve the form, or Send Back To Submitter for modification.
- If approved, a support ticket will be automatically created to ITS to fulfill the request.
- If sent back to the submitter, the submitter will receive an email notification to revise and resubmit the form to approver.
- Once approved, the approver will be directed to the Tasks window whereas other pending requests can also be reviewed/approved at any time while logged into Laserfiche.