Global Finance Operations (GFO) Financial Review and Checklist Form





How to Submit a Form


Save as a Draft


Country Director Instructions


Lost the Email with the Link


GFO Team Instructions


Lost the Email with the Link


Filing Location in Laserfiche




County Directors, DO & DFO Lists


Two ways to get to the form:

  1. To go Directly to the Form go to:
  2. From the Main Laserfiche Forms Page:


               Then click the Start Process Button



Then Click Start Button Next to the Financial Review and Control Checklist



Submitted Date and Submitter Name will automatically be filled in.

Select the Country from the dropdown list:

After the Country is selected, it will fill in the Country Director and the Country Director email

Select the Fiscal Year from the Dropdown List

Select the Quarter from the Dropdown List

There are Four Sections of Questions to Answer:

The sections can be Collapsed or expanded by clicking on the down arrow button

See Example Below:












Answer Each Question by Clicking Yes or No.If Yes is selected, it is required to give an explanation.You will not be able to submit form until this box is filled in.

If you try to submit the form and have not answered a required question or filled in the explanation box; it will be highlighted in red and will not be submitted until this is fixed. See example below:










When all questions are answered and the form is ready; click the Submit button at the bottom of the form.

You will then get the follow Screen; Where you can Download, print or email a copy of the form you submitted.

The submitter will also receive an email that the form has been submitted.



At any time, you can Save the Form as a Draft and come Back to it later by Clicking the Save as Draft button at the bottom of the form.

It will ask for an email address which should be automatically be filled in with your email address.This email will include a link to the draft.Then you will get the following message.


You can also get to the draft by going to the main Laserfiche Forms Page; Click Drafts on the left hand side of the Page under the Start Process Button

Click the Draft from the List

Country Director Instructions
The Country Director will receive an email when a Financial Review and Control Checklist has been submitted.See Example Below.

Click on the link and it will take you directly to the Form.

The following is the screen you will see for the Country Director Approval Task:

On the right hand side is the Action History. This is a detail of the Forms Process.


The Country Director will scroll down the Form to verify the information that has been submitted.At the bottom of the form is a section for the Country Director to Sign and Date the Form.

Click the Sign Button; You can either type your name or click the Draw and draw your name

 Then Select the Date:

You can add any comments regarding the Process.If the Form is rejected; Please include the reason for rejecting.

Note:The comments that are added to this field will be included in the Action History Section and in the Body of the emails that is sent to the next person.

The form will go to the GFO Team (Desk Office (DO) & Director of Finance Officer (DFO) for the Country of the form being submitted)


An Email will be sent to the GFO Team.See Example below.Notice the Yellow Highlight.The comments from the Comment Box will be included in the email to the GFO team.




The Form will go back to the Submitter.

NOTE: Even if Rejected the Form; the Form will still need a Signature and Date.

An email will be sent to the submitter. See example below:


Note:If you lose the email, you can always go to main page and the task will be listed for you to select.

GFO Team Instructions

The GFO Team (DO & DFO) will receive an email when a Financial Review and Control Checklist has been approved by the Country Director.See example Below.

Click on the link and it will take you directly to the Form.

The following is the screen you will see for the GFO Acknowledgement Task:


Since the form is Assigned to DO & the DFO; the DO will need to assign the Form to themselves.To do this, in the Upper Right hand corner of the Form Screen; Click the Assign to Me Button

The Screen Will look like the following:


On the right hand side is the Action History.This is a detail of the Forms Process. Notice the Yellow Highlight is the Comments that were added in the Comments Box.

The GFO Team will scroll down the Form and verify the Questions to make sure that everything is filled out correctly.

Scroll to the bottom of the form to the GFO Acknowledgement Section.

Click the Sign Button; You can either type your name or click the Draw and draw your name

Then Select the Date:

Add a Comment if Applicable


Note:Keep in mind that Comments will show up in the Action History and in the Email Notifications

When everything is ready; click the Approve Button or if it needs to be corrected; click reject and send it back to submitter.



The Form will go back to the Submitter.




NOTE: Even if Rejected the Form; the Form will still need a Signature and Date.

An email will be sent to the submitter. See example below:



Note:If you lose the email, you can always go to main page and the task will be listed for you to select..Since the form is Assigned to DO & the DFO; the DO will need to assign the Form to themselves.First thing to do is; Click the Available tab; Select the Appropriate Form from the List

In the Upper Right hand corner of the Form Screen; Click the Assign to Me Button



 Then Follow the Instructions on how to complete the Form.

After the GFO Team Has Acknowledged the Form.It will be filed in Laserfiche in the following Location:

Heifer-International\Finance and Administration\Global Finance Operations\<Country Name>\, an email will be sent to the Submitter, Country Director, Desk Officer (DO) and Director of Finance Operations (DFO) notifying all participants that the form has been approved and filed.

Sample of the Email that will be sent:



Country Director


Desk Officer

Bolivia LSE

Daniel Vildozo

Efren Meza

Martha Valdez


M. Siddiqur Rahman

Stacie Holloway

Dikchya Joshi


Rakesh Kapoor

Valorie Hall

Maria Schrader


Rosa Rodriguez

Efren Meza

Rosangela Ahuyon


Roland Kanlisi

Valorie Hall

Shana Thomas


Gustavo Hernandez

Efren Meza

Rosangela Ahuyon


Marco Machado

Efren Meza

Martha Valdez


Hervil Cherubin

Efren Meza

Martha Valdez


Avni Malhotra

Stacie Holloway

Kshama Ghimire


George Odhiambo

Valorie Hall

Kshama Ghimire


Keo Keang

Stacie Holloway

Dikchya Joshi


Petronella Halwiindi

Valorie Hall

Lo Vongsaravane


Victor Garcia

Efren Meza

Rosangela Ahuyon


Milton Castillo

Efren Meza

Martha Valdez


Shubh Mahato

Stacie Holloway

Wendy Uhiren


Alfredo Garcia

Efren Meza

Rosangela Ahuyon


Roda Valenzuela

Stacie Holloway

Dikchya Joshi


Charles Kayumba

Valorie Hall

Maria Schrader


Abdoul Gueye

Valorie Hall

Kshama Ghimire


Leticia Mpuya

Valorie Hall

Maria Schrader


William Matovu

Valorie Hall

Lo Vongsaravane


Trang Dang

Stacie Holloway

Maria Schrader


James Kasongo

Valorie Hall

Wendy Uhiren


Kainos Musvinu

Valorie Hall

Wendy Uhiren



NOTE: If any of the above changes; the Laserfiche team needs to be notified by emailing


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