How to Publish Laserfiche Documents to Executive Board Website


  1. Locate files for Board Meetings that should appear on the Board website|


  1. Select file by clicking on the box to the left of the file name


  1. Under Fields in left column, select template - Executive Documents
  2. Select Document Category – Board
  3. Select Document Sub-Category based on selected document


  1. Fill in Effective Date = Date of Board Meeting
    1. Date must be filled in or the workflow won't work
    2. 32-day window to allow for change in meeting date
  2. Under Board Access – Publish Document
    1. If nothing is select, it will not appear on the Board website

  1. If the wrong document is select, Board Access – Remove Shortcut

  1. When finished, select Save

Additional Notes

  1. Multiple Document Import/Drag-n-Drop
    1. Apply template only
    2. Do NOT populate fields during Import
    3. CHECK box at bottom to apply to all documents


  1. New Board Meeting - Automation
    1. Add Agenda with newest meeting date first
      1. Automation will move current documents into Past Board Meetings folder
    2. After Agenda, can add Minutes with older dates
      1. If Minutes are added first, Automation will not work


  1. Adding Documents or Folders that do NOT move with each new bo ard meeting
    1. Apply the Executive Documents template to the Folder or the Document
      1. Fill out the below fields:
        1. Document Category = Board
        2. Document Sub-Category = Other
        3. Board Access = Publish Document



  1. Workflow is set to ignore any document or folder with the Document Sub-Category of 'Other'

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