How to Set Up OneDrive for Business - Field Staff

Table of Contents

What is OneDrive for Business?

Important Notes Before You Begin

Update Windows

Your HeiferID

Installing OneDrive for Business 

Installing on Windows 8, 8.1 & 10

Installing on Windows 7

Installing on Apple macOS 10.x

Mobile App for iOS and Android

Additional Help and Support

What is OneDrive for Business?

OneDrive for Business is a part of the Office 365 suite of applications. OneDrive for Business is similar to Dropbox or Google Drive; it provides a place in the cloud where you can store, share, and sync your files. Since these documents are saved to Heifer's cloud, they are protected in the event of a computer crash and can be accessed without the need for a VPN connection.

OneDrive for Business allows you to securely update and share your files from any device with OneDrive for Business installed or access to the Office365 site on the internet. You can even collaborate on Office documents with your Heifer team members, seeing updates and changes in real-time. Paired with Skype for Business and Office 365, you can now work on documents and discuss your changes whether you're at different desks, offices, or even countries.

Additional information on OneDrive for Business can be found on Microsoft's support site HERE. Click here for instructions on how to use OneDrive for Business.


  • OneDrive for Business is different from OneDrive, which is intended for personal storage separate from your workplace.
  • OneDrive for Business is meant to replace any existing third-party file sharing tools such as Dropbox, Box, or Google Drive.All files and folders existing with these services will need to be migrated to OneDrive for Business.

Important Notes Before You Begin

Update Windows

Before you begin, verify that Windows and Office is completely updated. If you are uncertain about this, please contact your in-country support team for assistance with updates.

Windows 8, 8.1 & 10

  1. Click Start
  2. Type Settings
  3. Click Update
  4. Allow updates to complete
  5. Repeat process until no required updates are found

Windows 7

  1. Click Start
  2. Click Programs
  3. Click Windows Update
  4. Allow updates to complete
  5. Repeat process until no required updates are found

Your HeiferID

Your HeiferID is the term used for your Heifer User Name. Most should be familiar with this, as it is used to login to most Heifer services such as Corral and Office 365. F or example, Jacob Smith's HeiferID would be .

On some screens highlighted in this guide, Microsoft asks for your e-mail address to sign in. In most cases, your HeiferID ( ) is what is being requested, unless noted otherwise. Note: Entering your e-mail address will not allow you to login.

On some screens highlighted in this guide, Microsoft asks for your e-mail address to sign in. In most cases, your HeiferID is what is being requested, unless noted otherwise in this guide.  Entering your e-mail address will not allow you to login.

Installing OneDrive for Business

Installing on Windows 8, 8.1 & 10

NOTE: OneDrive is integrated with Windows 8, 8.1 & 10. However, the following steps will ensure you are running the latest version of the client and that it is properly configured.

  1. Open
  2. Click Start OneDrive


  1. If prompted to, Allow the website to open OneDrive for Business


  1. You will be prompted to Set Up OneDrive. To proceed, type your HeiferID in this field and click Sign in



  1. You will be redirected to the Office 365 login page(s).Login here as you would to Office 365.
    1. Type your HeiferID.  When you click the password field , you will be redirected again.
    2. Type your HeiferID and Password .
    3. Click Sign in


  1. Choose where to set up your OneDrive for Business folder. By default, the folder will be located at C:\Users\[YOUR USERNAME]\.
    1. For support purposes, it's recommended to keep the default location.
  2. Click Next













  1. Choose which folders to synchronize .
















NOTE: All users have 1 Terabyte of storage in OneDrive for Business. This is larger than the typical laptop hard drive. If you have or intend to store large numbers of documents, we recommend only synchronizing the folders you will need when you are working offline. These options can be changed later.


  1. Click Open my OneDrive – Heifer International folder to finish












Installing on Windows 7

  1. Open
  2. Click Download


  1. Double Click the installer OneDriveSetup


  1. If prompted to, Allow the the application to make changes to the computer


  1. OneDrive for Business will install








  1. You will be prompted to Set Up OneDrive. To proceed, type your HeiferID (   in this field and click Sign in


  1. You will be redirected to the Office 365 login page(s).Login here as you would to Office 365.
    1. Type your HeiferID.  When you click the password field , you will be redirected again.
    2. Type your HeiferID and Password .
    3. Click Sign in


  1. Choose where to set up your OneDrive for Business folder. By default, the folder will be located at C:\Users\[YOUR USERNAME]\.
    1. For support purposes, it's recommended to keep the default location.
  2. Click Next










  1. Choose which folders to synchronize.


NOTE: All users have 1 Terabyte of storage in OneDrive for Business. This is larger than the typical laptop hard drive. If you have or intend to store large numbers of documents, we recommend only synchronizing the folders you will need when you are working offline. These options can be changed later.


  1. Click Open my OneDrive – Heifer International folder to finish













Installing on Apple MacOS 10.x

  1. Open
  2. Click Download


  1. The App Store will open
  2. Click Get to install the app


  1. Open the OneDrive app in your Applications folder


  1. You will be redirected to the Office 365 login page(s).Login here as you would to Office 365.
    1. Type your HeiferID.  When you click the password field , you will be redirected again.
    2. Type your HeiferID and Password .
    3. Click Sign in


  1. Click Open my OneDrive – Heifer International folder to finish


Mobile App for iOS and Android

Click HERE for a quick video tutorial.

Additional Help and Support

  • Additional in-depth training options can be found on Microsoft's support site .
  • If you need assistance with access or have any questions about security and sharing, please contact Tech Support via e-mail .
  • For assistance with installation and setup of the client, please contact your in-country support team.

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