How to Set-up and Configure E-Mail and Calendar Delegates

Microsoft Outlook 2016

Table of contents

How to Add Delegates in Outlook
How to Remove Delegates in Outlook

How to Add Delegates in Outlook

Open Outlook

open outlook

Click the File Tab

Click Account Settings

Click Delegates Access

delegate access

To add a new delegate, click Add to open the address book.

Use the Address Book to find the names as needed.

Click Add at the bottom of the window. You can add multiple names to this list.


Next, pick the level of permissions you would like to give the user. Please note that Inbox rights must be given by the IT department, not by the user.

The options you can choose from are:

  1. Editor : Has full access to your calendar. They can read, create, and modify any and all items.
  2. Author : Can read and create items, but cannot modify.
  3. Reviewer : Can read items only.
  4. None : User does not have access.
  5. Delegate can see my private items : This gives your delegate the ability to see your items flagged as private. Check this only if you do not mind your private appointments, etc. being visable.

Click Apply and OK to close the window

How to Remove Delegates in Outlook

  1. Open Outlook

  1. Click the File Tab
  2. Click Account Settings
  3. Click Delegates Access
  4. Click the name of the delegate you would like to remove
  5. Click the Remove button
  6. Click Apply and OK to close the window

remove delegates

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