Zoom - Recording a Meeting

Getting Started

There are two ways to record meetings depending on need.

  • Cloud Recording- Best option in most cases
    • Allows for easy sharing of the recorded meeting with others
    • Recording resides in Heifer's Zoom account, no chance of data loss if your computer crashes or is lost.
    • Doesn't take up space on your computer's hard drive.
  • Local Recording
    • Allows for editing of recorded meeting
    • Can be easily moved to other video sharing platforms like YouTube or Office 365 Stream.

Cloud Recording – Recommended Method

How to start cloud recording:

  1. Start a meeting.
  2. Click the Record button in the Zoom toolbar.
  3. Select Record to the Cloud to begin recording.

  4. To stop recording, click Pause/Stop Recording or End Meeting.

  5. Hosts will see the following recording indicator in the top left corner when the recording has started.

    Participants will see the following indicator in the top left corner when the recording has been started by another user.


    Note: If the above recording icons are not visible in the meeting, the conference is not recording.
  6. Once the recording has been stopped, the recording must be processed before viewing. Zoom will send an email to the host email address when the process is completed.

For recording on mobile, please see How Do I Record on Mobile Devices?

Viewing Cloud Recordings:

  1. Access your recorded meeting by logging into your Zoom account (https://heifer.zoom.us) and navigating to My Recordings.
    Note:  If your meeting has not finished converting, the recording will show in the list and you will see a message of "Processing Recording...".  Once the recording has finished converting, you will be able to view, share, download or delete your cloud recording.
  2. Click the meeting Topic to display the available file types of the recorded data, based on the settings you have enabled:
  3. Click a file to play the recording or see the text of the chat. You can also download a file to your computer, share a link of the recording with others, or delete a file. 
  4. (Optional) If you want to trim the recording of a shared video so that it starts and ends at the times you specify, you can set a playback range. See Cloud Recording Playback for details.


Local Recording

How to Start a Local Recording

  1. Start a Zoom meeting as the host.
  2. Click the option to Record.

  3.  Select Record on this Computer.

  4. Hosts will see the following recording indicator in the top left corner when the recording has started.


    Participants will see the following indicator in the top left corner when the recording has been started by another user.
    Note: If the above recording icons are not visible in the meeting, the conference is not recording.
  5. After the meeting has ended, a prompt will appear stating You have a recording that needs to be converted before viewing
    Wait for the recording to convert before it can be accessed.


  6. Once the conversion process is complete, the folder containing the recording files will automatically open.


    Note: By default, the audio/video file (MP4) will be named "Zoom_0.mp4." The audio only file (M4A) is named "audio_only.m4a."





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