Citrix Cloud - Getting Started Guide

Citrix Cloud - Getting Started Guide


Getting Started with Citrix Cloud

1.      Open new browser window and navigate to ? Bookmark this URL

2.      Log in with your username and password, then complete the DUO push.

3.      When prompted, click Detect Citrix Workspace app

4.      Now Click the checkbox next to ?I agree with the Citrix license agreement


First time users (Skip to Current User Section below if you have logged into Citrix previously)

a)      Click Download and follow the browser prompts to complete the download.

b)     Now locate the file CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe that was just downloaded. Typically, you will find downloads in your Downloads folder.

c)      Double click the CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe file to start the Citrix Workspace installer.

d)     Follow the on-screen prompts, but DO NOT enable the Sigle Sign-on Option or the App Protection Option.

e)     Once installation is complete, click Finish.

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f)       Back in your browser window, click Complete to proceed.

g)      You will see a prompt to Allow to open links. Click Always Allow and then click Open Citrix Workspace Launcher. (Please note browsers may vary in the way this message appears)

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h)     If you see the window below, click Already Installed to proceed to the Citrix app window.

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Current Users:

a)      After clicking the checkbox next to I agree with the Citrix license agreement click Already Installed.

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Launching Applications

1.      Once logged in, a list of all applications you have access to will appear.

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2.      Click on the application you wish to open. TECH TIP: To avoid multiple clicks to open an App, click directly on the application's ICON.
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3.      You may be asked to Permit an online application to access information on your computer. If the box below prompts you, click the check box in the left bottom corner 'Do not ask me again for this site' then click Permit Use. (Please note browser vary on how this message appears).

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Cloud Mapper Integration

  1. Cloud Mapper will map two Network drives. O: drive maps to your OneDrive folder and T: drive maps to all MS Teams sites you have access to. 
  2. One first use, a confirmation box will appear to confirm your account. Please click Confirm

3.  After launching an application in Citrix, Cloud Mapper takes approximately 30-45 seconds to map the O: and T: drives. You may see the following box pop up in  your system tray:

4.  As an example, Excel is launched (Please be aware the first Office application you launch, you will be prompted to log into Office 365. This is a onetime step.)

5.  Once Office activation is done, you can open and browse your OneDrive and Teams files via the O: and T: network drives.
6.  Depending on the application, you will see a browse window like this:

7.  In some instances, The O: and T: drives may not show up automatically. If this happens, click the refresh button on the File Browser box. 


8.  When saving spreadsheets, documents or reports, you will also have the option to save to your Heifer OneDrive or Teams folder via the O: and T: drives.

Additional Features

1.      Accessing Shared drives via Citrix

a)      Use the Windows Explorer app to access shared drives.

2.      Adding applications as favorites

a)      Apps you use often can be Stared so they show up on your Home page.

b)     Simply click the Star in the upper left corner to add as a favorite on your Home page.

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3.      Home Page Categories

a)      On your Home page, click on a category to see all applications associated with that category.

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