Lower Metzger third party Web Conference instructions.
These instructions are written to guide Heifer staff on how to conduct meetings with external users/renters, using the following software.
To present content, the renter must bring a laptop and follow the instructions in this document. Sharing content without their laptop is not an option.
**For Google Meet, MS Teams, GoToMeeting and WebEx meetings, Heifer staff should obtain the meeting information/link from renter and book the lower Metzger room via Outlook. The meeting information and link must be included in the booking invite.
Google Meet:
1. Start on the Mobile Cart with Dual Monitors and Touch panel.
2. Tap the Zoom button to enter meeting mode.
3. Tap the Start button next to the meeting
4. Proceed with meeting
Present content from a Laptop
Important: If content needs to be presented during the meeting, a laptop must be used. We recommend informing the user ahead of time of this requirement, so they are ready the day of the meeting.
1. From the laptop brought by the renter, go to: https://meet.google.com
2. Enter meeting code
3. Click Present to meeting.
4. Select a window or application to share.
5. Select Share.
Microsoft Teams
Present content from a Laptop
Present content from a Laptop
Important: If content needs to be presented during the meeting, a laptop must be used. We recommend informing the user ahead of time of this requirement, so they are ready the day of the meeting.
1. From the laptop brought by the renter, open the Webex application or go to: https://signin.webex.com/join
2. If using Webex app, click Join, then enter the meeting number and password when prompted.
3. If using the weblink (https://signin.webex.com/join), Enter meeting number and password when prompted.
4. VERY Important Step: Make sure the Microphone is muted and the speakers are turned off or turned all the way down.
5. Click Share
Present content from a Laptop
Important: If content needs to be presented during the meeting, a laptop must be used. We recommend informing the user ahead of time of this requirement, so they are ready the day of the meeting.
1. From the laptop brought by the renter, go to: https://goto.com
2. Sign into GoTo meeting and join the meeting
3. VERY Important Step: Before joining, toggle off the Audio option to avoid audio feedback in the room.
4. Click Join meeting
5. Select Screen Share in the control bar on your screen.
6. Select to share your screen or application from the list of open applications.
Article ID: 558
Created: Tue, Aug 30, 2022
Last Updated: Thu, Sep 19, 2024
Author: Marc Daniels
Online URL: https://itskb.heifer.org/article.php?id=558